Monday 22 August 2011

Things I love.

I feel like I'm on a bloggin' roll so I may aswel carry on, even with nobody to read my blog..

So anyone who occidentally stumbles across my little corner in cyberspace can get to know me a little better thought I would list things I like/love <3. 

1.) Coffee. I drink it every morning, and physically can't leave the house without having it.
2) Clothes. I wish I didn't love clothes as much - I'd certainly be a lot richer.
3) My Blackberry. Has everything I need on it, although i'm starting to question whether an iphone may be better? hmm..
4) FACEYBEEE. Lets me stay in touch with my friends even when we aren't together!
5) Raybaaaans.
6) Lipstsick. Quick and easy. I've even mastered putting it on without a mirror!
7) Cheesecake. Seriously, who doesn't love cheesecake!?
8) My boyfriend. Seriously, I could not live without him :).
9) Music.
10) The internet, cures my boredom every time.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, thankyouuu! I dunno whether or not it'll go anywhere, but it let's me express myself!
